Sun safety for your family

How can you make sure your family is protected from the harmful effects of the sun?

Sunlight produces warmth, visible light, and ultraviolet light (UVL), which can penetrate our skin. But too much UVL exposure can be dangerous for our skin and increase the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. In this blog post, we'll provide you with tips on how to keep your babies, kids, and older family members safe in the sun.


Let's start with a little bit of theory...

Sunlight generates warmth (infra-red) that we can feel, visible light (that our eyes can see in daylight) and ultraviolet light (UVL) which we cannot see or feel but which can...


Power up - nutrition for new mamas

Looking for some tips to make sure you POWER UP for the demands of the postpartum period?

Good nutrition is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for new mamas who are recovering from the strain pregnancy and childbirth put on their body, and possibly also breastfeeding! Nutritionist Fleur Bugeja gives us her recommendations below...


Don’t diet!

It’s important to stay away from fad diets and calorie counting, and focus more on getting enough of the good stuff and limiting the junk. You need to get plenty of calories, but most of those calories should come from whole foods. This means...


Plagiocephaly aka Flat Head Syndrome

Often referred to as flat head syndrome, PLAGIOCEPHALY is one condition parents of infants should watch out for. 


 Flat head syndrome develops when a baby's head develops a flat area. A baby may experience this if they remain in one position for an extended period of time, such as resting on their back or riding in a car seat. Craniosynostosis and positional molding are two more disorders that can result in plagiocephaly.

Even though plagiocephaly is a common condition that many infants have, it is crucial to treat it at an early stage to avoid more severe issues. For instance, if plagiocephaly is not treated...


Life-saving tips for First-Time Dads

Meet Matthew. As a first-time soon-to-be dad he feels a little bit like a spare wheel since his partner found out she's pregnant.

He wants to be involved but is not quite sure how to go about it. He's concerned about what his new responsibilities as a father will involve, worried about how life will change, about whether he can live up to his own expectations of what a present dad should be and do.

Fear not, Matthew! There's lots of helpful advice available for new dads like you. While it's true that you'll become an expert through practice, a heads-up never hurt anyone, so here's a handy list of life-saving tips for...


5 reasons (if you ever needed just the ONE) to book yourself a Prenatal Massage

Being pregnant is such an exciting time, but let's face it - it can also be pretty TOUGH on your body!

From back pain to swollen feet, pregnancy can take its toll in more ways than one. But what if we told you that there's a way to relieve most of your aches and pains, a solution that's been around for centuries and has been helping pregnant women get all the right 'ooohs and aaaahs' for just as long?

Here's the lowdown on why every pregnant mama should consider getting a prenatal massage and why it's totally worth the investment (and your precious time!).


  1. Say Goodbye to Aches and Pains

    Pregnancy can be a real pain in the...


All you need to know about Perineal Massage

Is THIS the secret weapon for a smoother childbirth?

If you haven't heard of perineal massage before, don't worry, you're not alone. But according to our midwife team and women's health physiotherapist, this little-known technique can make a BIG DIFFERENCE when it comes to delivering your little bundle of joy.


What is the perineum and why is it important to massage it?

The perineum is the area of skin and muscle between the vaginal opening and the anus. During childbirth, this area can be at risk of tearing or needing an episiotomy (a surgical cut made during delivery to widen the vaginal opening).

Now, onto perineal...


Gestational diabetes and your diet during pregnancy


As if expectant mamas don't have enough to worry about, add a type of diabetes that can make an appearance during pregnancy!

During a webinar on gestational diabetes led by Ilona Pulis, a registered dietitian, various topics were discussed to help individuals better understand and manage this condition. Ilona highlighted that gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly common among pregnant women, with statistics showing a significant rise in the number of cases in the last decade and a a higher-than-average incidence in Malta and Gozo.

The webinar covered several important topics related to gestational diabetes, including the screening...


EYE on baby - Keeping babies & kids SAFE in the home environment


Your adult-friendly home has many POTENTIAL HAZARDS for a baby or child.

Children don’t understand danger, and as they grow and become more mobile (and curious!) you need to be on the lookout to make sure they don't get hurt. A team of experts joined forces at the Mothercare store in Birkirkara to discuss the ways in which we can keep babies and kids SAFE in your home environment. Watch this video to understand how to baby-proof your home and prevent common accidents.


MyMama LOVES - Sleep Tight Baby Bed by Purflo


Check out how the Sleep Tight Baby Bed by Purflo supports SAFE SLEEPING & why it's a MUST-HAVE for every expectant parent!

MyMama is proud to introduce the brand-new sleep innovation by Purflo - the Sleep Tight Baby Bed is the first of its kind to be certified for unsupervised and overnight sleep from birth.  It eliminates concerns raised by traditional nests, pods and sleep positioners and is available locally from Sweet Pea Ideas. 

Tested above and beyond safety regulations, the Sleep Tight Baby Bed is the ultimate, multi-functional safe sleeping space for baby from birth to 8 months.  





Pelvic Floor & Core Health during pregnancy & postpartum


Pelvic floor & core health is a topic many mamas only hear about only when issues start cropping up!

Pregnancy and birth (both vaginal and caesarean) can put stress on and damage the pelvic floor and our core muscles. So, if you are planning to have a baby, you’re pregnant or you’ve had a baby (or a few), now is an especially important time to pay attention to those muscles down south!

On the 30th July 2021 we joined forces with Belly Bandit at My Favourite Things, to organise a live webinar led by leading women's health physiotherapist Carolyn Sultana. We LOVED Carolyn's insights and enjoyed each minute of...


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