What to Keep in Mind When Choosing Your Next Family Car

Choosing a car for your growing family is an exciting (but overwhelming) experience.

You want a car that is safe, reliable, spacious, and comfortable for those long journeys. But with so many options available, where do you even start?

We understand the anxieties that come with this decision. As expectant parents or parents of young children, you're not just thinking about yourself anymore. Suddenly, the car's safety features become paramount. Is the boot big enough for my groceries, a stroller and all the baby gear? Will my child be comfortable on long journeys? Can I easily install a car seat? These are just some of the questions...


MyMama LOVES - Sleep Tight Baby Bed by Purflo


Check out how the Sleep Tight Baby Bed by Purflo supports SAFE SLEEPING & why it's a MUST-HAVE for every expectant parent!

MyMama is proud to introduce the brand-new sleep innovation by Purflo - the Sleep Tight Baby Bed is the first of its kind to be certified for unsupervised and overnight sleep from birth.  It eliminates concerns raised by traditional nests, pods and sleep positioners and is available locally from Sweet Pea Ideas. 

Tested above and beyond safety regulations, the Sleep Tight Baby Bed is the ultimate, multi-functional safe sleeping space for baby from birth to 8 months.  





Pelvic Floor & Core Health during pregnancy & postpartum


Pelvic floor & core health is a topic many mamas only hear about only when issues start cropping up!

Pregnancy and birth (both vaginal and caesarean) can put stress on and damage the pelvic floor and our core muscles. So, if you are planning to have a baby, you’re pregnant or you’ve had a baby (or a few), now is an especially important time to pay attention to those muscles down south!

On the 30th July 2021 we joined forces with Belly Bandit at My Favourite Things, to organise a live webinar led by leading women's health physiotherapist Carolyn Sultana. We LOVED Carolyn's insights and enjoyed each minute of...


MyMama LOVES - Linea MammaBaby Sun Protection Range


Sun safety is on every parent's mind once the temperatures start soaring!

We read confusing and often conflicting advice about how we should be keeping our little ones safe in the sun.  On the 13th of July 2021 we teamed up with  My Favourite Things and the sun protection range by Linea MammaBaby to bring you this FREE webinar where dermatologist Dr. Liam Mercieca spoke about how we can keep our kids safe from the harmful effects of the sun, and parents asked questions related to the topic. 

You can watch the webinar here if you missed the live event!

About the Linea MammaBaby Sun...


MyMama LOVES - PlanToys


Not just any toy company…  10 things you didn't know about PlanToys

Amongst the truly exceptional brands found at My Favourite Things, we stumbled upon PlanToys and fell in love. It's not just about the impeccable aesthetic - this brand comes with a purpose  and a history. Read on to learn all about why MyMama LOVES PlanToys... 


  1. What was the inspiration behind starting PlanToys?

Back in 1981, seven university graduates came together with a shared desire to infuse the world with positivity! Vitool Viraponsavan, one of the strongest voices of the group, went on to establish PlanToys and has been...


MyMama LOVES: Dr. Brown's Anti-Colic Bottles

ad colic May 12, 2021

Tried-and-tested by millions of mums, number one paediatrician-recommended anti-colic bottle brand Dr. Brown's needs no introduction. These are not the bottles with pretty designs that you wish to have amongst your baby supplies - they're the bottles you wish you knew about. Read on to learn why Dr. Brown's anti-colic bottles get the MyMama LOVES seal of approval.


Colic, spit-up, burping and gas – how to get your baby's discomfort issues under control.


We know how helpless you feel when your baby is crying uncontrollably. Even more so when whatever you do does not seem to provide any relief. If this is the...


Mother, Woman, I - brought to you by Multi-Mam

In the coming months, MyMama will be launching a number of initiatives to promote breastfeeding and, more importantly, provide support, practical information and tips to mums who embark on this journey. This article penned by Multi-Mam, reminds us of how multi-faceted motherhood is... and even when elbow-deep in daily challenges, to always remember to be true to ourselves.


Mother, Woman, I


Motherhood has always been treated like an umbrella term, as if one word could hold the meaning of all that it entails. Perhaps you will agree with us that in this case, it’s a rather ambitious feat that is doomed to fail. It is a...


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