MyMama LOVES - Linea MammaBaby Sun Protection Range


Sun safety is on every parent's mind once the temperatures start soaring!

We read confusing and often conflicting advice about how we should be keeping our little ones safe in the sun.  On the 13th of July 2021 we teamed up with  My Favourite Things and the sun protection range by Linea MammaBaby to bring you this FREE webinar where dermatologist Dr. Liam Mercieca spoke about how we can keep our kids safe from the harmful effects of the sun, and parents asked questions related to the topic. 

You can watch the webinar here if you missed the live event!

About the Linea MammaBaby Sun...


MyMama LOVES - PlanToys


Not just any toy company…  10 things you didn't know about PlanToys

Amongst the truly exceptional brands found at My Favourite Things, we stumbled upon PlanToys and fell in love. It's not just about the impeccable aesthetic - this brand comes with a purpose  and a history. Read on to learn all about why MyMama LOVES PlanToys... 


  1. What was the inspiration behind starting PlanToys?

Back in 1981, seven university graduates came together with a shared desire to infuse the world with positivity! Vitool Viraponsavan, one of the strongest voices of the group, went on to establish PlanToys and has been...


MyMama LOVES: Dr. Brown's Anti-Colic Bottles

ad colic May 12, 2021

Tried-and-tested by millions of mums, number one paediatrician-recommended anti-colic bottle brand Dr. Brown's needs no introduction. These are not the bottles with pretty designs that you wish to have amongst your baby supplies - they're the bottles you wish you knew about. Read on to learn why Dr. Brown's anti-colic bottles get the MyMama LOVES seal of approval.


Colic, spit-up, burping and gas – how to get your baby's discomfort issues under control.


We know how helpless you feel when your baby is crying uncontrollably. Even more so when whatever you do does not seem to provide any relief. If this is the...


Tips for Colic - brought to you by Colief Infant Drops


Colic is very common in babies - but that doesn't make it easier for parents who often feel helpless during their baby's inconsolable crying episodes.

'Tips for Colic', produced by the MyMama team in collaboration with Colief Infant Drops, provides useful information to parents-to-be and new parents. Midwife Catriona Grech explains the symptoms and possible causes of colic, and gives some expert tips on how to soothe your colicky baby.

Colief Infant Drops is distributed by Cherubino Ltd and available at pharmacies and The First Years Malta.

If you suspect your baby is suffering from colic and need personalised advice, our midwives and...


Mama Let's Talk: Christina & Elaine


Fostering - a shortcut to parenting or an act of selfless love?

During what proved to be an emotional Mama Let's Talk Episode Donna had a chat with three amazing women. Foster parents Christina Zammit La Rosa and Elaine Brincat were joined by Laura Darmanin from the Directorate of Children and Youths to talk about the process involved to become foster parents and the rollercoaster of emotions that they need to deal with.
According to Christina, the toughest, yet ironically, the most rewarding part of fostering is the reintegration process, where thanks to the intervention of foster families and the Directorate's work, the...

Q&A with Becki Galea: Sleep training and establishing healthy sleep habits in children


The lovely Becki Galea talks to Donna about the process of sleep training your little ones, gives LOTS of actionable tips and answers our followers' questions - a goldmine of information that you will certainly find useful!

Tried-and-tested by lots of happy (and now well-rested) families, Becki's sleep coaching packages can now be booked on the MyMama website - you can finally look forward to having a proper night's sleep!

Welcome to the MyMama community Becki! More details can be found via the link below:


Mama Let's Talk: Noel & Chris

Noel and Chris - perhaps not who you'd expect for a Mama Let's Talk episode, but we wanted to get a number of points across via this interview.
First, that all parents, but even more so those choosing adoption as a route to parenthood need to be supported and loved as the journey is not an easy one. Secondly, since launching the MyMama platform, we have made it a point to be inclusive and open-minded about the concept of parenthood - any child who has one, two or more loving and doting parents or guardians, whatever their sex, religion or colour, is a fortunate one.
It was a pleasure to film this interview with Noel and...

Q&A with Christina Gauci: Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

The lovely Christina Gauci, Speech & Language Pathologist, talks about the early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The 'Triad of Impairment' is used to describe the three core areas that children with ASD have difficulties with to some degree. Watch on to learn what are the behaviours and developmental milestones to look out for, who we can resort to when we're concerned, and the numerous entities and programs in place that offer their services and support to families.
Thanks again Christina for sharing your knowledge with us mums and dads!

Q&A with Gayle Cutajar: Postpartum Exercise

Getting back in shape after having a baby, whether to lose the baby weight or to rebuild our strength and increase energy levels, is not a task we should approach blindly.
Once we get the green light from our doctor at the six-week checkup, how can a fitness coach help?
Donna had a chat with the lovely Gayle Cutajar about postnatal fitness, how specific exercises can help resolve certain issues caused by pregnancy and birth, and how good nutrition should be at the basis of an effective exercise program.
(Should you like more info on how you can kick-start your exercise plan, Gayle can be contacted on Facebook page...

Mother, Woman, I - brought to you by Multi-Mam

In the coming months, MyMama will be launching a number of initiatives to promote breastfeeding and, more importantly, provide support, practical information and tips to mums who embark on this journey. This article penned by Multi-Mam, reminds us of how multi-faceted motherhood is... and even when elbow-deep in daily challenges, to always remember to be true to ourselves.


Mother, Woman, I


Motherhood has always been treated like an umbrella term, as if one word could hold the meaning of all that it entails. Perhaps you will agree with us that in this case, it’s a rather ambitious feat that is doomed to fail. It is a...


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