Nutrition during pregnancy

Let's start with the obvious - eating a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy is crucial for both you and your baby (like, DUH!).

Not only does eating the right foods provide the necessary nutrients for your baby's growth, but it also helps you maintain a healthy weight and promotes your overall well-being. Nutritionist Fleur Bugeja summarises what you need to know (and PRACTICE!) when it comes to your diet during pregnancy.


Why is nutrition during pregnancy important?

 A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at any time but is especially vital if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eating...


Power up - nutrition for new mamas

Looking for some tips to make sure you POWER UP for the demands of the postpartum period?

Good nutrition is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for new mamas who are recovering from the strain pregnancy and childbirth put on their body, and possibly also breastfeeding! Nutritionist Fleur Bugeja gives us her recommendations below...


Don’t diet!

It’s important to stay away from fad diets and calorie counting, and focus more on getting enough of the good stuff and limiting the junk. You need to get plenty of calories, but most of those calories should come from whole foods. This means...


Gestational diabetes and your diet during pregnancy


As if expectant mamas don't have enough to worry about, add a type of diabetes that can make an appearance during pregnancy!

During a webinar on gestational diabetes led by Ilona Pulis, a registered dietitian, various topics were discussed to help individuals better understand and manage this condition. Ilona highlighted that gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly common among pregnant women, with statistics showing a significant rise in the number of cases in the last decade and a a higher-than-average incidence in Malta and Gozo.

The webinar covered several important topics related to gestational diabetes, including the screening...


Q&A with Gayle Cutajar: Postpartum Exercise

Getting back in shape after having a baby, whether to lose the baby weight or to rebuild our strength and increase energy levels, is not a task we should approach blindly.
Once we get the green light from our doctor at the six-week checkup, how can a fitness coach help?
Donna had a chat with the lovely Gayle Cutajar about postnatal fitness, how specific exercises can help resolve certain issues caused by pregnancy and birth, and how good nutrition should be at the basis of an effective exercise program.
(Should you like more info on how you can kick-start your exercise plan, Gayle can be contacted on Facebook page...

Pro-tip Series: How to cook ONE MONTH's worth of homemade dinners before baby's arrival

When we plan for the birth of our little one, we often put a lot of energy and focus into making sure we have all the baby clothes freshly washed, the crib set up, we stock up the nursery and start counting down the days to when we'll have baby in our arms. The postpartum period is nothing short of tough - your body is in recovery-mode, your little one is dependent on you 24/7 and the lack of sleep is doing you no favours.

But you still need to think about DINNER!

The last thing you'll feel like is worrying about what to feed yourself and your family - and unless you're blessed with an in-house chef, you need to get your act together...


Pro-tip Series: Why do I need Folic Acid in Pregnancy?

Research extensively shows that couples preparing to conceive, most notably women, are eager to make lifestyle changes in order to be in optimal health before planning for a baby. While some start exercising, others switch to a more healthy and well-balanced diet. In this blog post, MyMama midwife Annabelle Cachia talks about the importance of folic acid in pregnancy.


Why do I need Folic Acid in Pregnancy?


Whilst there are many things couples need to take into consideration before planning to conceive, folic acid supplementation should be given prime importance as it is pivotal in ensuring a healthy baby. Folic acid...


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