Breastfeeding for new mums

Navigating Breastfeeding Challenges: Tips for New Mums

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a joyful occasion, but for many new mums, breastfeeding can present unexpected challenges. From latching issues to concerns about milk supply, navigating the world of breastfeeding can be daunting!

Here are some common challenges new mums may encounter, along with tips to overcome them:

 1. Latching difficulties

Breastfeeding often begins with the challenge of getting your baby to latch correctly. Improper latch can lead to discomfort for mums.

To overcome this, ensure your baby is positioned well, in level to your breast, with head extended,...


Skincare for new mums

With the arrival of their little one, many new mums experience unwelcome skin changes (the sleepless nights certainly don't help!)

During pregnancy, the body produces about 50% more blood, lending the skin a vibrant appearance. However, after childbirth, the abrupt drop in progesterone and oestrogen levels, no longer necessary for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, triggers various changes in the body, often visually evident in the skin, hair and nails.

Let's explore some common postpartum skin issues and how best to deal with them with product recommendations that are safe to use for breast-feeding mothers too:


1. Postpartum...


doddl - solving the problem of kids' cutlery



doddl offers the answer to make mealtimes for young children more ENJOYABLE!

doddl is a fast-growing UK brand set up and run by an entrepreneurial mum who, through the invention of a unique product is making a positive impact on children’s relationship with food and mealtimes. Catherine Dodd, doddl inventor, said “doddl’s unique design offers innovation in children’s cutlery that hasn’t been seen before.

By designing specifically for babies and children alongside child development experts, we’ve made it much easier for children to eat successfully, making mealtimes more enjoyable...


5 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Help You BALANCE Work & Family Life

We see you, juggling those work emails while singing nursery rhymes and planning tomorrow's lunches... and we GET IT.

Balancing work and parenthood can feel like an impossible CIRCUS ACT at times, leaving you spinning plates and wondering if you're doing justice to either role.

It's easy to fall into the guilt trap—feeling like you're not spending enough quality time with your kids or not giving your career the attention it deserves. But take a deep breath; you're not alone, and there are ways to find an equilibrium or at least get closer to achieving it!

In this blog post we're sharing five totally doable tips to...


MyMama WORDS: Life changes when you have children

motherhood words Jul 21, 2023

Some people say it takes a village. I believe it takes a vineyard.

Let me begin by saying, motherhood is beautiful. It is the most heart-warming and rewarding thing I have ever done. I am eternally grateful for my boys; and just as grateful for my village. But motherhood also has its challenges, and I must admit, when I came across the above quote as a meme on Facebook recently, I laughed out loud. A support network is a most wonderful blessing - but sometimes, you really do need that glass (or two) of wine.

You hear it said – life changes when you have children – but you don’t really understand it until you have your...


Nutrition during pregnancy

Let's start with the obvious - eating a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy is crucial for both you and your baby (like, DUH!).

Not only does eating the right foods provide the necessary nutrients for your baby's growth, but it also helps you maintain a healthy weight and promotes your overall well-being. Nutritionist Fleur Bugeja summarises what you need to know (and PRACTICE!) when it comes to your diet during pregnancy.


Why is nutrition during pregnancy important?

 A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at any time but is especially vital if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eating...


Top 5 Summer Emergencies (& how to treat them)

Summer is a much-awaited time for family fun, a more relaxed pace of life and SO MANY outdoor activities, but it can also bring a higher risk of accidents and emergencies.

As parents and caregivers, being aware of what you can do to prevent certain situations is key, but it pays to know what to do in potentially life-threatening scenarios. We have compiled a list of the top five dangers that are most commonly associated with the warmer weather. 



Drowning is a serious risk associated with being around pools and the sea (but also relatively shallow water, so filled bath-tubs or kids pools). It can happen...


Sun safety for your family

How can you make sure your family is protected from the harmful effects of the sun?

Sunlight produces warmth, visible light, and ultraviolet light (UVL), which can penetrate our skin. But too much UVL exposure can be dangerous for our skin and increase the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. In this blog post, we'll provide you with tips on how to keep your babies, kids, and older family members safe in the sun.


Let's start with a little bit of theory...

Sunlight generates warmth (infra-red) that we can feel, visible light (that our eyes can see in daylight) and ultraviolet light (UVL) which we cannot see or feel but which can...


Power up - nutrition for new mamas

Looking for some tips to make sure you POWER UP for the demands of the postpartum period?

Good nutrition is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for new mamas who are recovering from the strain pregnancy and childbirth put on their body, and possibly also breastfeeding! Nutritionist Fleur Bugeja gives us her recommendations below...


Don’t diet!

It’s important to stay away from fad diets and calorie counting, and focus more on getting enough of the good stuff and limiting the junk. You need to get plenty of calories, but most of those calories should come from whole foods. This means...


Plagiocephaly aka Flat Head Syndrome

Often referred to as flat head syndrome, PLAGIOCEPHALY is one condition parents of infants should watch out for. 


 Flat head syndrome develops when a baby's head develops a flat area. A baby may experience this if they remain in one position for an extended period of time, such as resting on their back or riding in a car seat. Craniosynostosis and positional molding are two more disorders that can result in plagiocephaly.

Even though plagiocephaly is a common condition that many infants have, it is crucial to treat it at an early stage to avoid more severe issues. For instance, if plagiocephaly is not treated...

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