Empower yourself with the right tools to help you experience a positive pregnancy and birth.

Hypnobirthing is centred on releasing fear and building confidence in the natural process of birth through practising relaxation techniques and being well informed so you can make the best choices about your care. Give birth more gently, calmly and in greater comfort.

This course for expectant couples or individuals, is spread over three in-person sessions (2.5 - 3 hours each session) and delivered by Nadège Buhagiar, a midwife and certified hypnobirthing instructor. Hypnobirthing is recommended for all parents, particularly first-time parents-to-be or parents who felt vulnerable, helpless or anxious during previous births.

Learn how to overcome anxiety, deeply relax and prepare yourself for labour and birth. Transform your fears and look forward to a POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE!





Nadège Buhagiar is a qualified Hypnobirthing Instructor and a Midwife at Central Delivery Suite, Mater Dei Hospital. A graduate from the University of Malta in 2020, she has since gained extensive experience across various maternity settings. Nadège furthered her studies by obtaining a Master’s Degree in Advanced Midwifery Practice with Anglia Ruskin University, London, in addition to achieving a Diploma in Hypnobirthing, accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.

With her specialised training in hypnobirthing and clinical experience, Nadège provides expecting couples with invaluable antenatal education on pregnancy and birth, along with various hypnobirthing practices, including breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and visualisation skills. This knowledge supports parents to ultimately achieve a positive and empowering pregnancy and childbirth experience, as well as a confident transition to parenthood.

"We attended a hypnobirthing course with Nadege, and it was an excellent experience! She clearly explained the Katherine Graves hypnobirthing philosophy, providing practical techniques in a calm and supportive way. The methods we learned really helped during contractions and the birth itself, making the experience more manageable and empowering. Highly recommended!"


"Nadege made us feel extremely comfortable, and makes an effort to break everything down to make it simple and easy to understand - making you feel at ease and not judged. This was really important for me, being pregnant for the first time, I have no idea what to expect so everything is unknown. Yet throughout the sessions she gave me the confidence and knowledge I feel I need for what lies ahead. If you have any doubts or hesitations I would really encourage anyone to go for it - highly recommended!"


"Nadege made us feel extremely comfortable, and makes an effort to break everything down to make it simple and easy to understand - making you feel at ease and not judged. This was really important for me, being pregnant for the first time, I have no idea what to expect so everything is unknown. Yet throughout the sessions she gave me the confidence and knowledge I feel I need for what lies ahead. If you have any doubts or hesitations I would really encourage anyone to go for it - highly recommended!"


"We attended a hypnobirthing course with Nadege, and it was an excellent experience! She clearly explained the Katherine Graves hypnobirthing philosophy, providing practical techniques in a calm and supportive way. The methods we learned really helped during contractions and the birth itself, making the experience more manageable and empowering. Highly recommended!"


This comprehensive hypnobirthing course will teach you and your birth partner the skills you need for a more confident and calm pregnancy and birth.

Register for this course and learn how to:


Learn proven techniques that will help you calm yourself and relax when you need to. Understand how to use the powerful tools of self-hypnosis to reduce the pain of contractions and childbirth.



Perhaps you've had a previous birth that was traumatising, or maybe you are petrified about birthing your first baby. Learn how to feel confident by addressing your worries about your upcoming birth.



Understand the physiology of birth, how to write a good birth plan, what questions to ask medical staff under different circumstances, and how the birth partner can support during labour.


Practicing the techniques learned during the course with your birth partner is a special way to prepare yourselves for the arrival of your baby, and to start the bonding process with your baby even before birth.


At which point during pregnancy should you start this hypnobirthing course?

Our hypnobirthing instructor suggests that the course is started during or after the 20th week of your pregnancy, and that the three sessions are completed by the 37th week of pregnancy in order for you to have some time to practice before the arrival of your little one. 


HOW is hypnobirthing beneficial?

During this course, you will get many tips and learn techniques that will enable you to release your fears and overcome your anxiety. You will learn pain management techniques and how to effectively represent your own and your baby's interests (not only) during childbirth.

Your birth partner is a very important participant in this work. He/she will learn how to support and help you in the best possible way according to YOUR needs during childbirth (whether delivery is natural or via C-section).  So when the big day comes, you and your partner will be calm and confident,  and you can make the right decisions for you and your baby.


At which point during pregnancy should you start this hypnobirthing course?

Our hypnobirthing instructor suggests that the course is started during or after the 20th week of your pregnancy, and that the three sessions are completed by the 37th week of pregnancy in order for you to have some time to practice before the arrival of your little one. 

While our standard course is delivered in a group setting, private one-to-one courses can be arranged on request. This is especially useful for couples/individuals who require the course content to be delivered in less than 4 weeks if their due date is fast approaching. Please get in touch with us for more info.


The dates for our next THE COMPLETE HYPNOBIRTHING COURSE (group course*) are as follows:


Session 1: Wed 5th March 2025 17:30 - 20:30 CET

Session 2: Thur 13th March 2025 17:30 - 20:30 CET

Session 3: Mon 17th March 2025 17:30 - 20:30 CET


* While our standard course is delivered in a group setting, we also offer private one-to-one courses that can be scheduled based on your availability. This is especially useful for couples/individuals who are not available on the pre-set dates of the group courses or who require the course content to be delivered in less time if their due date is fast approaching.



€355 group course / €530 one-to-one course*

incl. VAT

  • 3 in-person sessions at the MyMama Hub, Naxxar. Sessions are 2.5-3 hours long. Tea and coffee included
  • Course material included – The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves, The KGH Parents Course Manual
  • Access to the KGH Ultimate Birth Relaxation Audio on your private course page

*Price is PER COUPLE. Starting date may be postponed if a minimum number of couples is not reached.


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